Report of the Identification Committee of the National Research Fund of Ukraine on the procedure and election of members of the Scientific Council of NFSU

Pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 4, 2018 No. 528 "On the National Research Fund of Ukraine", the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development, as the Identification Committee of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, ensured the competitive selection of members of the Scientific Council, which is a collegial governing body of the National Research Fund of Ukraine.

The competition was held in accordance with the Regulation on the competition for the election of members of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, which was developed based on the results of open consultations with international and domestic scientific organizations and approved in an updated version at the meeting of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development on April 5 2024 (protocol No. 3 dated 04/05/2024).
The composition of the Scientific Council is 32 people, in particular, the section of natural, technical sciences and mathematics consists of 14 members, the section of biology, medicine and agricultural sciences - 10 members; section of social sciences and humanities - with 8 members. The personal composition of the members of the Scientific Council is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the proposal of the National Development Council of Ukraine
science and technology. The term of office of each member of the Scientific Council cannot exceed four years. Every two years, at least half of the staff of the Scientific Council is renewed by holding another competition.
The announcement of the competition for the election of members of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine was published on the website of the National Council of Ukraine for the Development of Science and Technology on April 16, 2024. Initially, September 13, 2024 was set as the final date for submission of documents for participation in the competition, but due to the fact that as of September 9, 2024, less than 20 applications were submitted, at a meeting of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine for the Development of Science and technologies on September 9, 2024, it was decided to extend the deadline for submitting documents until September 30, 2024. (protocol No. 5 dated September 9, 2024).
The holding of the next competition from April 16 to October 11, 2024 was due to the need to renew half of the members of the staff of the Scientific Council, whose term of office expires on March 17, 2025, by electing members of the Scientific Council to vacant positions for a period of 4 years, taking into account their proportional representation in the scientific on the boards of the sections of the Foundation, namely: 7 vacancies in the section of natural sciences, technical sciences and mathematics; 5 vacancies in the section of biology, medicine and agricultural sciences; 4 vacancies in the section of social sciences and humanities.

In addition, it was additionally necessary to fill one of the vacant seats of members of the Scientific Council in the section of biology, medicine and agricultural sciences to replace the prematurely deceased member of the Scientific Council, whose term of office would end on April 18, 2027, and in the section of natural, technical sciences and mathematics, a member at which a decision was made to prematurely terminate the powers of a member of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine at his own request, whose term of office would expire on April 18, 2027. Therefore, during the competition, based on the results of the rating voting, 2 additional candidates were determined to replace two members of the Scientific Council, whose powers have been terminated.

The criteria used by the Identification Committee of the National Research Fund during the formation of the updated composition of the members of the Scientific Council were determined by their significant scientific achievements, high scientific reputation and trust in the scientific environment, active public position and scientific authority, the ability to work effectively in a team and adopt the most consistent ,
systematic and well-founded decisions of the Scientific Council, significant experience of international scientific cooperation, which is confirmed by joint publications, participation in international scientific projects, examination of such projects, membership in editorial boards of journals, international professional scientific societies, etc.
During the election, a balanced representation of areas of scientific and scientific and technical activity was ensured, reflecting the interests of the entire scientific community of Ukraine. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, national sectoral academies of sciences, scientific institutions, institutions of higher education, public scientific organizations carried out nominations in accordance with the terms of the competition.
The meetings of the Identification Committee on 09.10.2024 and 11.10.2024 were held remotely in accordance with clause 2 of the Regulations of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine for the Development of Science and Technology, by audio/video conference, in particular using the Zoom software. and also using the method of technical support of secret votes in remote mode using the online system at the meeting on October 11, 2024.
A total of 66 candidates took part in the competition, including 29 candidates for the section of natural sciences, technical sciences and mathematics, 16 candidates for the section of biology, medicine and agricultural sciences, and 21 candidates for the section of social sciences and humanities. No application was withdrawn from consideration on formal grounds.

After the deadline for submission of documents for participation in the competition, the identification committee formed the final list of candidates for the Scientific Council who were nominated and submitted an application with consent to participate in the competition, and on October 2
In 2024, he published it on the website of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development, as well as on the website of the National Research Fund of Ukraine.
After a preliminary discussion of the candidacies, it was decided not to hold additional consultations and interviews with the candidates.
Previously, during the meetings of the working groups, as well as during the meetings, the members of the Identification Committee analyzed and discussed in detail the candidates' compliance with the qualification requirements established by the Regulations on the competition, in particular regarding:

  • having Ukrainian citizenship, fluency in the state language and English at a level sufficient to process documents related to the activities of NFSU;
  • stay at the main place of work as a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker in a scientific institution, institution of higher education, scientific and technical organization or in a similar position at an enterprise that has scientific and technical divisions;
  • having a scientific degree and at least 8 years of total scientific (scientific-pedagogical) experience;
  • impeccable scientific reputation and trust in the scientific environment; presence of significant personal scientific and/or scientific and technical achievements recognized by the professional community;
  • having experience in international scientific cooperation (participation or management of international scientific projects, work or internship in foreign scientific institutions, enterprises, institutions of higher education, joint publications);
  • optional, but desirable experience of participation in the competitive selection of scientific projects (as an expert, member of the competitive commission, etc.) for domestic or foreign grant-makers.

At the meeting of the Scientific Committee on October 9, 2021, the drafts of the ordered rating lists by sections of the Scientific Council, the ordered list of specialties of the Scientific Council of NFDU and their quantitative quotas, both for representation in the Scientific Council and for filling vacancies in the event of early termination of the powers of members, were approved Scientific Council (to the reserve).
During the open meeting, which took place on October 11, 2024, the Identification Committee approved ordered rating lists for each section, an ordered list of specialties of sections of the People's Republic of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and their quantitative quotas, rating lists for the relevant specialties, secret ballots were held to select candidates for the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and to the replacement reserve
vacancies in the event of early termination of powers of members of sections of the National People's Republic of Ukraine.

18 new members were elected to the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine.

The winners of the competition were representatives of the cities of Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, and Uzhhorod.

Representatives of the scientific community were present at the open meeting of the Identification Committee: Andrii Yuriyovich Shevchenko - consultant of the Ukrainian National Grid, Mykola Zinoviyovych Iorgov - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after O.O. Bogolyubova, Vitaliy Mykolayovych Shadura - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director of the State Scientific Institution "Kyiv Academic University", Nina Dmitrivna Chala - Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Center for Analytics and Business Modeling of Sustainable Development of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Professor of the Department of Marketing and business management;
senior referents of the secretariat of the National Council of Ukraine for Science and Technology Development I. Ivanchuk, L. Arnautova, Z. Pakhniuk.

Proposal for a decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development:

to approve the staff of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine selected by the Scientific Committee, ensuring that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submits a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on approval of the staff of the Scientific Council of the National Research Fund of Ukraine for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within a two-week period

Minutes No. 6 of October 9, 2024 meeting of the NC.pdf (.pdf, 2.39 MB)

Minutes No. 7 of October 11, 2024 meeting of the NC.pdf (.pdf, 6.33 MB)

Report on the procedure and election to Nauk.rady_2024.pdf (.pdf, 187.36 KB)

List of persons elected to the Scientific Council of NFDU in 2024.pdf (.pdf, 218.91 KB)

List of candidates to replace members of the Scientific Council of NFDU in 2024.pdf (.pdf, 29