Composition of the Scientific Committee


Chairman of the Scientific Committee

ANTONYUK Oleksandra Viktorivna

leading researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher

Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Oleksii Kostyantynovich KOLEZHUK

doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Professor at the Institute of High Technologies of Kyiv National University
named after Taras Shevchenko, leading researcher of the Institute of Magnetism of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Secretary of the Scientific Committee

Andriy Dmytrovych TROKHYMCHUK

leading researcher of the Institute of Physics of Condensed Systems of the National Academy of Sciences,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher

ANISIMOV Ihor Oleksiiovych

Dean of the Faculty of Radiophysics of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor

ANDRUSCHAK Anatoly Stepanovych

head of the department of the Lviv Polytechnic National University,
doctor of technical sciences, professor

Vakhitov Volodymyr Volodymyrovych

Member of the Scientific Committee, director of the Institute of Behavioral Research, American University Kyiv,
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor

Bakhmat Natalia Valeriivna

head of the department of Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

BERTSYK Peter Peterovych

head of the department of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher

VINOGRADOVA Oksana Mykolayivna

deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Botany named after M. G. Kholodny of the National Academy of Sciences,
doctor of biological sciences, senior research associate

VOVK Ruslan Volodymyrovych

dean of the faculty of Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences

ZHUCHOK Anatoly Volodymyrovych

vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work
state institution "Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko",
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor

DEMCHENKO Victor Oleksiyovych

deputy director for scientific work of the state institution "Institute of Marine Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine",
doctor of biological sciences, senior researcher

Коваленко Ігор Миколайович (біолог) — Вікіпедія

Ihor Mykolayovych KOVALENKO

Rector of Sumy National Agrarian University,
doctor of biological sciences, professor

KORCHYN Oleksandr Yuriyovych

head of the department of the National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" of the National Academy of Sciences, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences, senior researcher

OSTAS Bohdan Omelyanovych

chief researcher of the department
Ivan Franko Lviv National University, doctor of biological sciences, professor

Пронкевич Олександр Вікторович - Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили - Чорноморський національний університет iмені Петра Могили

Oleksandr Viktorovych PRONKEVYCH

head of the Department of Philology of the Ukrainian Catholic University,
doctor of philological sciences, professor

Анна Стовпченко (stovpchenko) — профиль | Pinterest

Anna Petrovna STOVCHENKO

doctor of technical sciences, professor

TRISTAN Andriy Viktorovych

Deputy Head of the State Research Institute of Testing and Certification
weapons and military equipment from scientific work,
doctor of technical sciences, professor

Утєвський Сергій Юрійович — Біографія, Балотування, Фракції, Декларації, Політична Агітація | ПолітХаб

Serhiy Yuriyovych UTYEVSKY

Professor of the Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin,
doctor of biological sciences, professor

FEDONYUK Tetyana Pavlivna

the head of the scientific and educational center of the Polis National University,
doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

CHRONOUS Anatoly Mykolayovych

vice-rector for scientific work of Sumy State University,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor

Oksana Olehivna SHEVCHUK

head of the department of Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevskii
of the Ministry of Health, professor of the department of pharmacology, doctor of medical sciences, professor

Shtemenko Oleksandr Vasyliovych

head of the department of the State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology",
doctor of chemical sciences, professor

Шуба, Ярослав Михайлович — Википедия

Shuba Yaroslav Mykhailovych

Head of the Department of Neuromuscular Physiology of the Institute of Physiology named after O.O. Bogomolets
of the National Academy of Sciences, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine